2,484 research outputs found

    Time diversity solutions to cope with lost packets

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    A dissertation submitted to Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica of Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engenharia Electrotécnica e de ComputadoresModern broadband wireless systems require high throughputs and can also have very high Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements, namely small error rates and short delays. A high spectral efficiency is needed to meet these requirements. Lost packets, either due to errors or collisions, are usually discarded and need to be retransmitted, leading to performance degradation. An alternative to simple retransmission that can improve both power and spectral efficiency is to combine the signals associated to different transmission attempts. This thesis analyses two time diversity approaches to cope with lost packets that are relatively similar at physical layer but handle different packet loss causes. The first is a lowcomplexity Diversity-Combining (DC) Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) scheme employed in a Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) architecture, adapted for channels dedicated to a single user. The second is a Network-assisted Diversity Multiple Access (NDMA) scheme, which is a multi-packet detection approach able to separate multiple mobile terminals transmitting simultaneously in one slot using temporal diversity. This thesis combines these techniques with Single Carrier with Frequency Division Equalizer (SC-FDE) systems, which are widely recognized as the best candidates for the uplink of future broadband wireless systems. It proposes a new NDMA scheme capable of handling more Mobile Terminals (MTs) than the user separation capacity of the receiver. This thesis also proposes a set of analytical tools that can be used to analyse and optimize the use of these two systems. These tools are then employed to compare both approaches in terms of error rate, throughput and delay performances, and taking the implementation complexity into consideration. Finally, it is shown that both approaches represent viable solutions for future broadband wireless communications complementing each other.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - PhD grant(SFRH/BD/41515/2007); CTS multi-annual funding project PEst-OE/EEI/UI0066/2011, IT pluri-annual funding project PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2011, U-BOAT project PTDC/EEATEL/ 67066/2006, MPSat project PTDC/EEA-TEL/099074/2008 and OPPORTUNISTICCR project PTDC/EEA-TEL/115981/200

    Equity valuation : Ryanair Holdings PLC

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    The main goal of this dissertation is to arrive at a fair value of Ryanair’s equity. Ryanair Holdings Plc is a low cost carrier and one of the strongest in the airline industry in Europe: transporting more than 130 million passengers per year, with thousands of flights per day and offering the cheapest fares, on average. To reach into a final estimated price for the company’s stock value, this dissertation used three methods: the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) methodology, the Economic Value Added (EVA) and the Multiples/Relative methodology. We will, then, compare the estimated price for each method with the current market price (16,00€) and give relative weights to each in order to land to the final target price: 17,25€. Hence, we give recommendations to investors to “Hold” their positions. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis was performed in order to study the impact on projected forecasts on both DCF and EVA, resulting from shifts on some key variables and assumptions. Ultimately, a comparison between this dissertation’s conclusions and the ones reached by Credit Suisse Research team was studied. Analogous to our recommendations, the bank endorsed for a “Neutral” conclusion, leading investors to “Hold” their positions. The investment bank target price for 12 months, starting at 22 Jan 2018, was 17,91€.O principal objetivo desta dissertação é chegar ao valor justo de capital da Ryanair. A Ryanair Holdings Plc é uma companhia aérea “low-cost” e é uma das mais fortes na indústria de transporte aéreo na Europa: transportando mais de 130 milhões de passageiros por ano, através de milhares de voos por dia e oferecendo os preços mais baratos, em média. De modo a estimar o preço final do valor por ação para a empresa, esta dissertação estudou três métodos: o método de Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), o Economic Value Added (EVA) e o método de Múltiplos. De seguida, compararemos o preço resultante de cada método com o preço atual de Mercado (16,00€) e iremos conceder diferentes importâncias a cada método com o intuito de calcular o preço-alvo: 17,25€. Portanto, nós damos recomendações aos investidores para “Segurar” as suas posições. Para além disso, uma análise de sensibilidade foi feita nos métodos DCF e EVA para estudar o impacto nas nossas projeções, resultando em mudanças nalgumas variáveis de maior importância e nas respetivas suposições. Por fim, comparámos as nossas conclusões com as da equipa do Credit Suisse. Similar às nossas recomendações, o banco adotou uma postura “Neutra” relativamente às ações da Ryanair, dirigindo os investidores para “Segurar” as suas posições. O preço-alvo deste banco de investimento, começando em 22 de Janeiro de 2018 e com duração para os 12 meses seguintes, foi de 17,91€

    BeSmart2: A multicriteria decision aid application

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    This paper presents an improved version of an application whose goal is to provide a simple and intuitive way to use multicriteria decision methods in day-to-day decision problems. The application allows comparisons between several alternatives with several criteria, always keeping a permanent backup of both model and results, and provides a framework to incorporate new methods in the future. Developed in C#, the application implements the AHP, SMART and Value Functions methods

    Estimativa do potencial produtivo de resina em pinheiro bravo no concelho de Castro Daire

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Florestal e dos Recursos Naturais - Instituto Superior de Agronomi

    Geodinámica y variaciones del nivel del mar en el Meso-Cenozoico: de la evolución global a la Área Metropolitana de Lisboa

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    Este artigo apresenta uma síntese da evolução geodinâmica e das variações eustáticas do nível do mar no Meso-Cenozóico e relaciona os acontecimentos globais com a formação da Ibéria e da Área Metropolitana de Lisboa (AML). Do regime tectónico distensivo resultou a desagregação da Pangeia, a separação entre as placas Norte-Americana e Euroasiática e a individualização da microplaca Ibérica no Cretácico Inferior. Até à formação de crusta oceânica no Atlântico desenvolveram-se bacias de rifting. A Bacia Lusitaniana está ligada à génese da Orla Mesocenozóica Ocidental, onde está incluída grande parte da AML Norte. O regime compressivo a partir do final do Cretácico deu origem a cadeias montanhosas na Península Ibérica e à reactivação de falhas tardi-hercínicas responsáveis pela formação e subsidência de uma depressão tectónica (Bacia Cenozóica do Tejo-Sado), onde se inclui a maioria da AML Sul. Neste quadro tectónico formaram-se o maciço subvulcânico de Sintra no final do Cretácico Superior ou a cadeia da Arrábida no Miocénico. A transição para o regime compressivo marcou o pico máximo do nível do mar no Meso-Cenozóico (170 a 250m acima do nível atual). As variações do nível do mar explicam a diversidade litológica da AML. As formações da AML Norte datam maioritariamente do Cretácico (predominância de calcários e margas), enquanto na AML Sul afloram sobretudo formações mais recentes (Pliocénico e Plistocénico), o que justifica o seu carácter detríticoThis article presents an evolution of geodynamics and eustatic sea-level changes in the Meso-Cenozoic and relates global events to the formation of Iberia and the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (LMA). The distensive tectonic regime resulted in the breakup of Pangea, the separation between the North American and Eurasian plates and the individualization of the Iberian microplate in the Lower Cretaceous. Rift basins were developed until the formation of oceanic crust in the Atlantic. The Lusitanian Basin is linked to the genesis of the Meso-Cenozoic Western Portuguese Border, where a large part of the Northern LMA is included. The compressive regime from the end of Cretaceous gave rise to mountain ranges in the Iberian Peninsula and to the reactivation of late-hercinian faults responsible for the formation and subsidence of a tectonic depression (Cenozoic Basin of the Tagus-Sado), where most of the Southern LMA is included. It was in this tectonic framework that the subvolcanic massif of Sintra was formed at the end of the Upper Cretaceous or the Arrábida chain during the Miocene. The transition to the compressive regime marked the maximum sea-level in the Meso-Cenozoic (170 to 250m above the current level). The variations in sea-level explain the LMA’s lithological diversity. The formations of the Northern LMA date mostly from Cretaceous (prevalence of limestones and marls), while more recent formations are prevailing in the Southern LMA (Pliocene and Pleistocene), which justifies its detrital character.Este artículo presenta una evolución de la geodinámica y los cambios eustáticos del nivel del mar en el Meso-Cenozoico y relaciona los eventos globales con la formación de Iberia y el Área Metropolitana de Lisboa (AML). El régimen tectónico distensivo resultó en la ruptura de Pangea, la separación entre las placas norteamericana y euroasiática y la individualización de la microplaca ibérica en el Cretácico Inferior. Las fosas tectónicas de rifting se desarrollaron hasta la formación de la corteza oceánica en el Atlántico. La Cuenca Lusitánica está ligada a la génesis de la Cuenca Portuguesa Occidental Meso-Cenozoica, donde se incluye gran parte de la AML Norte. El régimen compresivo de finales del Cretácico dio lugar a cadenas montañosas en la Península Ibérica y a la reactivación de fallas hercínicas tardías responsables de la formación y hundimiento de una depresión tectónica (Cuenca Cenozoica del Tajo-Sado), donde se incluye la mayor parte de la AML Sur. Fue en este marco tectónico donde se formó el macizo subvolcánico de Sintra al final del Cretácico Superior o la cadena de Arrábida durante el Mioceno. La transición al regímen compresivo marcó el nivel máximo del mar en el Meso-Cenozoico (170 a 250m sobre el nivel actual). Las variaciones en el nivel del mar explican la diversidad litológica de la AML. Las formaciones de la AML del Norte datan en su mayoría del Cretácico (predominio de calizas y margas), mientras que en la AML del Sur (Plioceno y Plistoceno) predominan las formaciones más recientes, lo que justifica su carácter detrítico.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Felicidade no Trabalho: Implicações no Valor da Empresa e no Indivíduo

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    Nos últimos anos, verifica-se que existe, por parte das empresas, um aumento das preocupações relacionadas com a felicidade no trabalho. De facto existem cada vez mais estudos que comprovam que este ativo intangível é fundamental para o sucesso da Organização, tornando-se um fator distintivo para aumentar a competitividade da mesma. Neste contexto, pretendeu-se com este estudo estudar as implicações da felicidade no valor da empresa e no indivíduo. Para tal, foram formuladas e testadas algumas hipóteses que relacionam a felicidade no trabalho com diferentes variáveis, nomeadamente a produtividade, motivação, satisfação do cliente e valor económico. A metodologia utilizada neste projeto de investigação foi o inquérito por amostragem, direcionado a colaboradores de várias empresas. O inquérito foi enviado por correio eletrónico para contactos pré-selecionados e difundido nas redes sociais. Foram obtidas no total 130 respostas. Os resultados obtidos permitiram retirar conclusões quanto às hipóteses formuladas, podendo afirmar-se que a felicidade no trabalho influencia positivamente a produtividade e a motivação. Verificámos também que parece não existir dependência entre a felicidade e a satisfação do Cliente e não nos foi possível concluir se o valor económico é dependente da felicidade

    Paradigmas administrativos, ética e intervenção do Estado na economia: o caso de Portugal

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    Considerable attention has been given in administrative and organizational literature to the values that guide organizational behavior and public and private management. However, the separation between public and private management remains with its ups and downs and over time continues to be a recurring theme in literature specifically focused on management, public policy and administrative law. The influence that New Public Management (NPM) has had on Portugal’s administrative reform has been widely recognized by Portuguese authors. In several oecd countries governments have taken similar initiatives. Nevertheless, there is a significant difference between the administrative reform found in countries of Anglo-Saxon heritage and the countries of continental Europe. Such a difference seems to be rooted in the role that administrative law plays in these European countries and the role it has in Common Law systems.Muita atenção tem sido dada na literatura administrativa e organizacional aos valores que guiam o comportamento organizacional e de gestão pública e privada. Todavia, o separador de águas entre a gestão pública e a privada manteve-se ao longo do tempo, com altos e baixos, como ponto controverso na literatura específica da administração e políticas públicas e do direito administrativo. A influência da Nova Gestão Pública (NGP) na reforma administrativa em Portugal é amplamente reconhecida em Portugal. Foram muitos os governos que, nos países da oecd, tomaram iniciativas idênticas. Há porém uma diferença acentuada entre a reforma administrativa dos países anglófonos e a dos países da Europa continental. Ora, tal diferença parece radicar no papel que o direito administrativo tem nestes países europeus e que não tem nos sistemas de Common Law. Este artigo quer contribuir para o debate da existência de dois paradigmas administrativos onde a separação entre gestão privada e pública parece colocar-se de forma diferenciada e a ética assume distinta ponderação.

    Health positive outcomes promoted by NNICC: an integrative overview

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    Communication (nº6) included in symposium: National Network of Integrated Continuous Care: evolution of the dependents health profile. Symposium coordinator: Fernando Petronilho, Escola Superior de Enfermagem da Universidade do Minho.Introduction: The National Network of Integrated Continuous Care (NNICC) was created to provide effective responses to a growing number of people with self-care dependency. Objective: To know the health profile of the dependents and their families, as well as their evolution during NNICC accompaniment. Material and Methods: Exploratory study of quantitative profile with an inter-subject and intra-subject design. The sample includes 891 dependents and family caregivers followed by the NNICC, in Minho, Portugal. Was applied the form “Profile of dependents integrated in the NNICC providers" in admission (A) and clinical discharge (D), during 1 year (between 2013 and 2014) Results: This is an aging population, mainly women, with low education and low income. Despite the dependence pattern manifest different between the typologies, overall are found significant positive health outcomes, in particular a positive development on self-care dependence level and bodily processes. However, these positive health outcomes are different between typologies and more evident in the CU and MDRU, influenced by the higher potential of autonomy reconstruction. The planning formal support after clinic discharge was insufficient, particularly of nurses, despite FC show, overall, potential to take care, there were differences in this training among the different typologies. Conclusion: The NNICC promotes significant positive health outcomes, in the dependents health status. However, we need a better clinic discharge planning, more systematized and professionalized, especially in families that integrate the most dependent patients, for the need of greater complexity and intensity of care to be provided

    Unravelling the effects of electric fields on thermal aggregation and gelation of whey proteins

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    The 19th Gums & Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference: Hydrocolloid multifunctionalityOhmic heating is currently being used by food industry as an alternative for the conventional thermal processing of several types of foods. Thus, the way how electrical fields affect functional and nutritional aspects of important food ingredients still needs to be ascertained. During the last decade, the effects of electro-heating treatments and its moderate electric fields (MEF) has been addressed with a view to functionalize whey protein systems. Whey proteins present an interesting set of technological, functional and biological properties being thus considered as an important dietary food ingredient. In this research it was demonstrated that MEF appears an interesting processing tool acting like a chaperon towards heat unfolding, aggregation and gelation of whey proteins. Results show that the presence of electro-heating contributes to a thermodynamic change in protein denaturation kinetics leading to lower values of reaction order (n) and rate constant (k) (p < 0.05), when compared to those of conventional heating under equivalent heating rates and holding times. Application of MEF provides also a fast, homogenous and direct way of heating (Joule effect) reducing the size of protein aggregates from 300 nm to 170 nm (p < 0.05), and thus affecting thermal aggregation and also morphology of protein aggregates. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) discloses the appearance of small fibrillar structures at nano-scale size (< 200 nm) upon the influence of MEF. These fibril-like structures have recognized potential to form hydrocolloid gels, act as thickeners in foods or be also used as carrier for the transport of bioactive or functional ingredients. Electro-heating treatment can be designed together with gelation at room temperature induced by salt addition (also known by cold gelation) for the development of entirely biodegradable whey protein isolate gel as potential carrier of divalent iron (Fe2+). Results have shown that ca. 33 mmol.L 1 of Fe2+ can be associated to a WPI gel network. Application of MEF provides an opportunity for the development of innovative functional foods that can be used as an oral dietary supplement.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio